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Tuesday, February 3, 2009
HELLO! remember me? Hai Qi here larh! must keep posting this blog larh, very empty leh....
erm must study and play hard okay, Common Test 1 coming le! good luck to you ppl!
<3 loves.....

{7:13 AM}

Wednesday, December 31, 2008
hope 2009 will be a blast for you&
enjoy every second of it .
guys,do update:)

{4:40 PM}

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Title: Great Expectations

Arthur:Charles Dickens

this story is about a young orphan boy, Pip, who works as a blacksmith. on Christmas eve, he went to the marshes to visit his parent's grave and a huge man, appeared from among the graves and seized Pip chin in a steely grip. he told Pip to bring him some food and a file and want it on Christmas morning. Pip went bag home and steal quite a lot of things and took a bottle of brandy for that convict. the next day, uncle Pumblechook came and brought Pip to a big, neglected house and was told to play with a girl, Estella, Pip was deeply in love with Estella. Everytime when Pip go to their house to play, they will give him some money and a dog-like meal, and now money is provided to sent him to London to be educated as a rich gentleman. after 5 years, Estella summoned Pip to go to to her house and announces her marriage plan, Pip was shocked. one stormy night, the convict Magwitch, who once forced Pip to bring food and a file for him and now he makes other demands on the young man.

{2:35 PM}

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Uh...Overdue book assignment:
George's marvelleous medicine by Roald Dahl

This story is about a boy who live with his parents and his evil grandmother in a farm.
Grandma treats him horribly with her selfish and grumpy attitude. She takes a medicine every afternoon to keep her strong. George then manage to plot of a plan to get rid of his grandmother one afternoon while his mother was out. He found all the harmful item in his house and made them all up into a 'special medicine' that he gives it to his grandmother. Unexpectedly, his grandmother grew and her head crashed through the roof after taking the medicine. Being as tall as their house she did not freaked out but was glad that it all happened for she had been stucked in the house. When George's parents came back, they were shocked to find out that his Grandmother was so tall. George's father fed the medicine to his chicken and it grew about 10 the size of itself.
George's father tried to get the formular for the medicine so that he can become rich but no matter how hard George thinks he cannot remember all the ingredients as he just dumped in whatever he saw. But the other medicine did made his grandmother shrink but she was so small then she could not be found. They all lived happily ever after...

I will NOT recommend this book as it is gross and it is not really possible to a big chicken and grandmother,it teaches children bad thing too(how to get revenge on other people you dont like).Also the ending 'the grandmother shrunk but was nowhere to be seen' was ...disturbing because George's plot somehow worked out after all (without using the main plot). So this book is kind of weird...

lixian :P
1 endurance

{9:14 AM}

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Eh, 7th to post, &overdue. Oh well...

Title: Rage of Angels
Author: Sidney Sheldon (Yes, it's a male.)

The story revolves around a girl named Jennifer who, on her first day as a lawyer, makes a devestating mistake that ends her short career.

Undeterred, she sets up her own small private law firm, in a building which she shares with a detective, whom Jennifer suspects to be gay.

After many successful cases, thanks to her out-of-the-box thinking, Jennifer can finally afford a large office all to herself.

Meanwhile, she gets involved with a man whom she met during the short span of her gig as a lawyer. Specifically, a married man.

Subsequently, she moves ahead on her career track, stirring up the attention of the local mafia, while feelings develop between herself and the married man, whom she kept in touch with and confided in.

Then, just when everything seems smooth sailing, she gets mysterious calls from an anonymous person.

Over the course of the next few months, she becomes a tool of the mafia, abeit an indispensable one, and in her pursuit of power as an attorney, she risks everything she knows and loves.

Without a doubt my favourite character is Jennifer, overlooking her bloodthirsty attitude in the courtroom. She is portrayed to be a cool and calm person, a quality which I highly value in a person.

I highly recommend this book. But you do need alot of time to digest it, its a 500page tome. Even if you have A.D.H.D, your total attention will be focused on this book.

Yeah, well. I'm done.

-Hillary Kang (12)

{1:41 AM}



FT - Mrs Wong
English - Mrs Wong
Chinese - Fu LaoShi
Maths - Ms Lee
Physics - Mrs Thiru
Biology - Ms Rai
Chemistry - Ms Grace Lee
D&T - Mrs Goh/Mr Seng
Art - Mrs Khoo
Literature - Mrs Koh
History - Ms Naz
Geography - Ms Ong
P.E - Mrs Tang
CME - Mrs Wong/Ms Mary.R

1 Endurance of SJC!

01.ABIGAIL LECK :D (netballer)
03.CLARISSA CHAN :D (shooting)
05.AMELIA CHIA :D (ang klung)
06.REBECCA CHONG :D (choir)
08.THIDAPA :D (handbell)
11.HANNAH NAH :D (table tennis)
13.JASLYN FOO :D (guitar)
20.SARAH NEO :D (batminton)
21.ELIZABETH NG :D (batminton)
22.NICOLE LEE CHANG :D (choir)
23.NURIZZATI BTE ISNIN :D (netballer)
24.PRITHI M NAIR :D (netballer)
25.REBECCA PHANG :D (band) 26.SARAH ONG :D (shooting)
28.SHARLENE A.G :D (centre stage)
30.SHWETA :D (shooting)
31.CLARISSA TAI :D (handbell)
33.GERALDINE TAN :D (netballer)
34.TAN SZEJIA :D (netballer)
35.SERENE TO :D (swimmer)
36.TRUDY TOH :D (table tennis)
37.MICHELLE WONG :D (fencing)

The Leaders♥


-Goh SuHan Ashley :D
-Kimberly :D
-Juanita :D
-Loshana :D


Notices & Tests♥

1. Mid-Term in 6DAYS time guys!!!(work hard!)
2. Chinese StoryBook Test This Comin MON cheena girls.
3. ANOTHER cheena test the NEXTNEXT MON.
4. Compo Test on Dunno when also (: hehehs..
5. STUDY! STUDY! STUDY! do well 4 CTs..
6. Stay funny and cute k 1 endurance
7. remember to turn up for NAPFA test pls
8. rmb to turn up for 2.4 run tmr! good luck guys!


1faith classblog :D
abigail :D
geraldine :D
izzati :D
minqi :D
sarah neo :D

Seniors :D

suhanASHLEY :D


SJC shooting :D
SJC swimming team :D
SJC table tennis :D
SJC choir :D

designer : kathleen
image : vampire-zombie

April 2008
June 2008
December 2008
February 2009